Poetry Competitions: Africa predator🕷

by Aminkeng Ophilia

I am the owner of that web.
It is so beautiful as they say.
Yet I am so sad and angry.
Just because they say I am ugly.
Ugly me in this my beautiful net.
Net that shakes in the high winds.
Shines in the sun to display rainbow.
Wind, water, sun are my only friends.
Hunters, beasts, birds are my only fiends.
They pulled my web and ran away.
Elephant tremor the earth so I run.
To hide in my own small room.
Waiting for the insects as they run.
I as predator is being preyed on.

Birds prey on me ,I on insects.
Negro! No! Oh my great mother Africa.
Why? You allowed them to brainwashed you.
You exchanged humans for bottle of wine.
You exchanged humans for bottle of whisky.
Now they took our fathers from Africa.
From here they took them to America.
Passing through the great slave trade triangle.
"Negro bodies in great sea before me"
"I felt like jumping into the sea"
"Because of the bad thing I saw"
"All these was shown in channel e"
"They put the yoke on our neck"
Forcing Negro to work on their land"

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Jan 01, 2020
My Prayer for You
by: Anonymous

More Grace my dear, may the Lord be empowered you to produce more write up in Jesus Name.

Dec 30, 2019
Poetry for Justice Competition: African Predator
by: M D

Here is what the examiner said about this poem '' African Predator is complex, and the ryhming totally absent. It gives a feeling out of the real but considered life's cycle and nature, focusing on major human right abuse called slavery...''

This poem attracted the third prize. Like I said earlier, we were very linen with our reviews and we hope that things will get better in subsequent competitions. Congratulations, Ophilia. We hope to see you again next year.

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