What is Publishing?

What is Publishing?

Welcome to our page on Publishing. This is an important page, especially for those who have written something or have a manuscript completed. 

It is important to note here and now that writing something does not mean that it will be published. There are thousands of people out there who've written and want to see their names on the cover of books. This is a wish many people carry with them their whole lives. Your wish to become a published writer may never come to pass if you are not careful and pushful enough and for the simple reason that publishing  and it processes never feels entirely in your control. 

That's why this page is important. Here, we have defined the concept of publishing. We have also identified the different types of publishing and their pros and cons. If your business here is not to find information to publish your book, but to become a publisher yourself, we have something for you.

Defining Publishing

Publishing involves the creation, compilation and mass production of graphic and text  images. It refers to the dissemination of literature, music or information - the activity of making information available to the general public.

Publishing has been with us for a very long time and it is important to note that it is an evolving business currently undergoing dramatic changes.  Thus, writers must stay informed about standards and trends in order to make informed decisions about publishing their own works.

Types of Publishing

There are two main types of publishing: Traditional Publishing and Self Publishing. First, we will discuss these two, before moving to the other types of publishing.

1. Traditional Publishing: This is also known as Commercial Publishing or Legacy Publishing.  It was the only way for writers to get their work into print. How does it work? In traditional publishing, you or your agent send your completed manuscript off to a publishing house in the hope that it will be accepted  for publishing.  If the response is positive...Click here to continue reading.

2. Self Publishing: Self-publishing is exactly what it sounds like. This means that a self-published author is their own publisher and is responsible for securing and financing their own editing, design, marketing, and production. In self publishing, the author handles everything needed to get their work to print, from manuscript to completion. Click here to continue Reading.

3. Vanity Press: A vanity Press is that publishing house in which writers PAY to have their books published...Click here to continue reading.

4.  Subsidy Publishers: While many continue to argue this is just another form of vanity publishing, some argue that Subsidy publishing is a hybrid between traditional publishing and self publishing. Here the publisher enters into an agreement with author to publish  the author's manuscript. The author retains certain rights as stipulated in the agreement. This is like a partnership between the author and the publisher.  The author makes more efforts to marketing/promotion than in the traditional publishing model. The publisher handles all facets of production from initial to producing  the final product. Author is paid royalties from the very first copy and the publisher derives profits from public sales.

5. Indie Publishing

6. POD -Print On Demand.

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